lasagna / bostonDimSumFeb2007


Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago

The password is 'hotpasta'


If you're in Boston on Sunday, let's do a blogger's Dim Sum brunch at Chau Chow City at 83 Essex Street, Chinatown, Boston at 1PM.


Thanks to Jessica Baumgart of the Berkman Thursday group for organizing. It'll be great to see people from the old days (2003 and 2004) on Sunday!


Sign up here


If you're coming please add your name here, so "we can make a fairly decent guess at table size and so we can attempt to find people on site," writes J.


  1. Dave Winer
  2. Mal Watlington
  3. Amanda Watlington
  4. Leprechaun Mick
  5. Tracy Adams
  6. Dan Bricklin
  7. Erica + 2 guests
  8. Brett Stilwell
  9. Shopping!
  10. Mike Walsh
  11. Betsy Devine
  12. A Free Pinball game






































It is usually easy to get the latest tendencies in interior design and trends, but it's more difficult to find accurate information about child care and baby care over the internet.

On peut facilement gagner de l'argent et trouver de très bons sites pour enfants sur internet ou de mode enfant. C'est l'endroit le plus pratique pour obtenir des conseils en matière de crédit et épargne. Mais pour se faire plaisir, les sites de cet annuaire mode sont parmi les plus branchés du moment.

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