lasagna / FrontPage


Page history last edited by 1234 14 years, 6 months ago

Let's eat Lasagna!!


I thought the wiki would be a fun way to organize Sunday's dinner.


Dinner starts at:6:30PM


Who's coming (in no special order)


  • Naked Jen


  • Dear Sweet Dave


  • Ann Greenberg


  • Julian Milenbach


  • Ben Greenberg


  • Nina Davis


  • Jeff Ubois


  • Sylvia Paull


  • Erma Wheatley


  • John Feld


  • Cynthia Josayma


  • Robert Scoble


  • Maryam Scoble


  • Eve Winer


  • Leon Winer


  • Dave Winer


  • Evan Paull





    • Champagne - Nina will bring sparkling wine (Er, what's that marketing slogan, we can't call it champagne if it's not from Champagne. Luckily enough cava's good too.)


    • Lasagna - with meat sauce.


    • Salad - Naked Jen will bring a salad. I'll bring ingredients and will need to make it there, so I'll come early. I'm also bringing the big black dogs, but they'll stay in the car where they'll be perfectly happy.


    • Garlic bread - Ann will bring - fresh, homemade & hot (leave room in the oven to heat up)


    • Mixed vegetables - Jeff


    • Wine - Julian will bring some red Naked Jen will bring some wine, as well.


    • Desserts - JF: "Will certainy bring dessert, but I was thinking of something different. A variation on the Cashew Turtle Tart that I saw in the Chronicle this week." Evan will bring some kind of pie.
    • Naked Jen will also be bringing these: Clyde's Cookies.


    • Coffee - Scobles will pick up some coffee and bring some red wine too.








    • Me, I can't help but organize stuff like this. Don't take it personal, it's just how I am. ;->>>




    • Dave



    I'll bring hors d'ouvres, including fresh bread. (Who??)



    Helpful wiki-editing hints









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