lasagna / newHampshirePrimaryEvents


Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

New Hampshire Primary Events


I'm going to visit New Hampshire next Sunday, February 25; and I want to attend some campaign events, if possible. If you know of any, please post them here. And if you're going to be in NH on Sunday evening or Monday morning, maybe we can have a blogger's meetup for dinner or breakfast. I'll probably be staying in Manchester (or Concord, or Portsmouth, depending where the events are).


For more links, see today's post on Scripting News.


*Comments here


The password for the wiki is "hotpasta" (without the quotes).


Hi Dave. The PrioritiesNH website is maintaining a "birddog calendar" of primary campaign events. -Jeff Kandt also has an events tracker for Presidential events that is searchable by zip code and has RSS. Scroll down a bit to see the search results.

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